Rules Fixes for The First Sunrise
Deadlier Firearms
[Change] To balance out the fact that I won't have swords that only do
strength+2, but I like that successes add to damage, this rule is in effect.
Simply, the base damage for a firearm is not rolled, it is automatic. You
still roll the dice for every level added through attack success and add
it to the base damage. For example, a Light Revolver (damage 4), hitting
a target with 6 successes, the damage would be 4 damage plus 6 dice of additional
Serendipity Background
[Addition] This background replaces and supercedes the Luck merit. It is,
unsurprisingly, a measure of how lucky your character is, but also indicates
how much freedom your character has within the fuzzy, unwritten areas of
a setting. The major effect is how much leeway a character is given in defining
equipment. While a low rating in this background requires the character to
describe, within reason, exactly what devices, foci, weapons, and whatnot
the character carries around, a luckier character is not so hindered. The
more levels in this background, the more free the character is to call up
any item that could be reasonably on hand, from foci, to weapons, to lengths
of rope, as long as it would not be unbelievable (for instance, after a
technocratic full-cavity search even the luckiest character is unlikely to
have a blowtorch and a piece of duct tape). Additionally this background
may be temporarily spent for a number of purposes. A level may be spent for
a reroll, just as the Luck merit. Further, levels may be spent for lucky
occurrences. Attempts to call on luck should sound similar to "It would be
lucky if there's a gun in this car's glove compartment" or "I wonder if there's
a chance that a clue would fall into our laps." The storyteller will assess
the cost in temporary luck points for any such attempt. Each botch returns
a spent point of the background, and the entire pool refreshes between stories.
This background is available to all character types.
Autodamage and Soak
[Change] To make things a bit more fair with the autodamage for firearms
rules in effect, the follow rules apply. Any supernatural damage resistance
adds its full effect as autosoak against an attack with autodamage.
Supernaturally protected beings aren't troubled by a little hydrostatic shock.
This applies to Metal Wards, Life-Armor, Forces-Fields, talisman protection
and anything similar. For example, a mummy wearing a level 3 Metal Ward would
subtract 3 levels from all firearms damage (and any other autodamaging metal
source) before rolling stamina and armor to soak. Special note, shifters
in any hybrid form count their full stamina as supernatural, and so will
be little troubled by non-silver bullets. As it should be.
[Change] Following one of the few useful ideas in Aberrant/Trinity, ones
do not subtract from successes. However, a character with ones rolled and
no successes will botch, with the number of ones indicating the severity
of the botch. Basically, since you can't botch with successes rolled under
the revised storyteller rules, this just means a higher average margin of
success and more fun when botches do happen.
Increasing Tempers
[Addition] I will be instituting rules for increasing Balance, Arete, Gnosis,
and something appropriate for Sorcerers so it doesn't cost a monumental lot
of experience to raise it. You will still be able to spend exp. on these
things but following the tenets of Ma'at/Your Avatar/Gaia will be a faster
way of increasing these things.
True Magic
Failure and Paradox: [Change] No paradox is gained for a failed
magical effect unless there are extenuating circumstances (such as failure
through countered successes).
Shroud/Gauntlet and Paradox: [Addition] At the Storyteller's option
an exceptionally low Shroud or Gauntlet rating might indicate that reality
is "thinner" in this area and that Vulgar magic will cause less automatic
Paradox on successful casting. Typically, this will only be appropriate in
areas with a rating of 5 or less, and at least one point of Paradox will
be accumulated for a successful effect in all but the thinnest areas.
Backlashes and Paradox: [Clarification] Backlashes are
rolled automatically whenever you take five or more paradox from one effect,
accrue ten or more points on your wheel, or it is appropriate to the story.
These instances tend to provoke damage, quiet, spirits, and realms.
Characters can choose to unleash their personal paradox at any time,
and it is rolled as normal (paradox pool vs. difficulty 6), but will normally
result in flaws rather than the other types of backlash. Each backlashed
point of paradox in one of these rolls becomes a temporary flaw of the
appropriate level, while points over seven result in weaker but effectively
permanent flaws.
Rotes: [Addition] Characters must learn rotes to have easy magic on
hand. Each character begins with one rote of any level for every sphere known.
Non-rote magic is considered fast-cast unless one turn per highest sphere
level is spent on the effect, and is at an additional +1 difficulty penalty
if cast in less than one turn. After the effect has been successfully performed
by the character a number of times equal to twice the highest sphere level,
or one exp. is spent on it in downtime, it is considered a learned rote.
After a rote is learned characters may choose to spend exp. and downtime
improving the efficiency of a rote. Each rote may have exp. equal to its
highest sphere level spent into it to gain an Improved x1 rating, and this
may be increased to x2 and x3 for the same further expenditure. The improvement
rating is a difficulty reduction of its level, and may not exceed -3.
Resonance: [Clarification] Resonance is tracked in three categories
on your sheet. You, as usual, begin with one dot of resonance. Your
resonance subtly colors all magic that you do, tagging every bit of quintessence
that passes through your pattern. Only being apparent to the most
perceptive in normal circumstances, every use of personal quintessence used
makes it that much easier to track a magical effect back to you. However,
there are ways to make your resonance work for you. In any magical
situation where you can include one of your resonant adjectives in the spell
description the difficulty decreases by one without making it too much easier
to track the effect. You may go further beyond this, though, and add
your resonance trait rating in which the adjective came from to your arete
pool when casting appropriate spells. This marks your magic in such
a way that it becomes blindingly obvious who invoked the effect to anyone
with the ability to sense it, and the trace lingers longer and stronger the
better the effect was pulled off. Additionally, paradox gained from
the effect is colored by your resonance for when it backlashes. Finally,
each time you add resonance to magic, the next attempt of opposed magic suffers
a one-die penalty (e.g. Adding resonance to three destructive effects makes
the next three constructive effects suffer a one-die penalty). You
gain more resonance on very successful resonant effects, and lose it on
particularly unsuccessful ones, at the ST's option. This rule is subject
to playtesting.
Aspects: [Clarification] All aspect levels automatically achieve level
1 of each aspect with a minimal success. The rating at which the path is
cast at for the spell is a number of extra levels that may be distributed
into aspects on a minimal success. Each success past one may increase any
aspect by one level per success. No aspect level may exceed the level at
which the path is cast. For damaging effects two dice of damage may be traded
for one level of damage, determined before rolling for damage.
Damage Step Aspect: [Addition] A new aspect, available to any path
that deals damage.
1 - No change to damage.
2 - +1 Die of damage/success.
3 - +2 Dice of damage/success.
4 - +3 Dice of damage/success.
5 - +4 Dice of damage/success.
6 - +5 Dice of damage/success.
Improved Casting - Fast-Casting: [Addition] The character may choose
to spend downtime and experience streamlining and learning to incant a spell
quickly. The player determines which spell will be learned as a fast-cast
effect, and pre-spends the path levels into aspects, then spends a number
of experience equal to the path level required in the casting. This spell
becomes castable as a standard action in one turn without incurring a
fast-casting penalty. Example: The character spends 3 exp. to learn a Level
3 Hellfire effect that will do 6 dice of lethal damage at a range of up to
10 feet with one target before successes are applied. At minimal success
it will always do the same thing, but can be cast in one turn without penalty.
Improved Casting - Difficulty Reduction: [Addition} The character
may choose to spend downtime and experience learning to cast a spell with
ease. The player determines which path level will be learned at a reduced
difficulty, and spends a number of experience equal to the level of the path
for each -1 difficulty reduction. This reduction applies every time that
path level is used, and may not exceed -3 or the path level, whichever is
lower. Example: The character spends 3 exp. to learn Level 3 Hellfire at
Reduced Difficulty x1. Every future casting of Hellfire 3 is one level of
difficulty lower. Difficulty Reduction and Fast-Casting may be learned for
the same path level and spell.
Improved Casting - Reduced Cost: [Addition] The character may choose
to spend downtime and experience learning to cast a spell with less personal
effort. This reduction is only useful for paths that cost Willpower. Choose
a spell as with Fast-Casting for the same cost and same assignment of variables.
For each time this is learned, which may be as many times as the character
can afford, casting that spell requires no Willpower once per scene. Example:
By spending 3 experience the already mentioned Hellfire effect may be cast
once per scene for no Willpower, but successive castings cost full. If another
3 experience is spent into the spell it may be cast twice per scene for free,
and so on. Reduced Cost may be combined with Difficulty Reduction and
Fast-Casting for the same path level and spell.
Ba and Resurrection: [Change] The Ba background presents only additional
dice to roll to resurrect, not a minimum time for doing so. In order to make
a resurrection roll, a mummy needs to accumulate a number of points of, for
lack of a better word, Ma'at to restore the Khat, in accordance with the
system for regaining Ba in 1st and 2nd edition Mummy. This does not cost
permanent Willpower or Sekhem.
Ka Background: [Clarification] This only applies when the mummy is
in a death cycle or the Hajj.
The Veil: [Change] Mummies do not inspire Delirium.
Balance and Sekhem: [Clarification] There is no permanent Sekhem rating;
the default amount of Sekhem a Mummy holds is equal to Balance.
Semektet: [Change] This state only applies if the mummy fails a Balance
roll against the current Shroud when all Sekhem is spent.
The Winds: [Change] The storm in the Underworld does a maximum
of 8 dice of lethal per turn, and will typically do a number of bashing levels
per hour.
Permanent Items: [Addition] Though the Permanency ritual of Amulets
is a way to create long lasting talismans, it is not the only way. A
crafter of Effigies or Amulets may invest personal experience (equal to the
level of the item) into a created item to make it self-sustaining.
Essentially, the crafter binds a portion of his own ability to regain
sekhem into the item, so that it can slowly regain the magical energy that
it consumes in its function. Thus, items only maintain this semi-permanency
when within the Web of Faith, near a node of energy, or otherwise in an area
of thin reality. If they are without this energy they must be maintained
as normal for their type by the mummy, or they sink into uselessness.
Whether their capacity for self-sustainment returns when they are returned
to a magical field depends on their power and that of their creator (the
level of the item plus the creator's hekau level at the time of the creation
are rolled against the shroud, needing to get successes equal to the item's
level). This trick may be used to create Vessels with the Amulets hekau.
Items created in this way serve as powerful links to their creator,
and lower correspondence difficulties/distance by their level.