Example Rotes


This page is here to provide example effects that can be turned into rotes with appropriate exp expenditure.  Most of these are taken from various mage sources, which are listed with the effect.  Those that I've made up are linked to their descriptions.

Book Key:  MRev - Mage: the Ascension Revised ; M2nd - Mage: the Ascension 2nd Edition ; BoS - Book of Shadows, Mage Players Guide ; BT - Blood Treachery ; CoE - Traditionbook Cult of Ecstasy 2nd Edition ; Verb - Traditionbook Verbena 2nd Edition ; SoE - Traditionbook Sons of Ether 2nd Edition ; OoH - Traditionbook Order of Hermes 2nd Edition

"Rotes" in red are actually effects, not rotes.  Usually, these are too broad to qualify as rotes and must be further customized to be roted.  For example, Better Body is not a rote.  However, if a mage had a rote called Tiger's Might which was noted as "One success spent on claws, one on duration, more to raise Strength to 5, remainder spread evenly between Dexterity and Stamina" this would be appropriate.  Basically, a roted effect has a concentrated type of result and a general way to spend successes on that effect, making it far more the kind of thing that could be learned by rote and used in stressful circumstances.  Players are free to come up with their own rote variants of effects, with my approval of course.  Most of the listed rotes that are actually rotes will, nevertheless, require a general outline of success expenditure on your sheet, as the mage books do not cover that.

Correspondence Rotes

Correspondence 1: Sense Connection - MRev 158 ; Landscape of the Mind - MRev 159 ; Whereami? - MRev 159 ; Ariadne's Thread (w/Mind1) - BoS 144 ; Detect the Dream Gateway (w/Spirit1) - BoS 145 ; Prime Location (w/Prime 1) - BoS 145 ; Flying Dragon Kick (w/Forces4) - BoS 148 ; Dousing (w/Life1) - Verb 64
Correspondence 2: Apportation - MRev 159 ; Correspondence Sensing - MRev 159 ; Ward - MRev 159 ; Eagle Eye (w/Life1) - BoS 138 ; The Trip (w/Mind4, Time2, Entropy1) - BoS 140 ; Scrying (w/Spirit1) - BoS 140 ; Jury Rig (w/Matter 2, Prime2, Mind1) - BoS 142 ; Pixie Lead (w/Mind3) - BoS 145 ; Gabriel's Embrace (w/Matter2, Prime2, Forces3) - BT 88 ; Glorious Sword of Heaven Minor (w/Forces2) - BT 89 ; Oak of Sanguine Root (w/Prime2, Life3, Matter3) - BT 89 ; Dreamline (w/Mind2) - CoE 66 ; Lightning Gateway (w/Forces3, Prime2) - OoH 65 ; Ward the Inner Sanctum (w/Life3) - OoH 66; Return the Bolt (w/Matter 2)
Correspondence 3: Chain - MRev 159 ; The Seven-League Stride - MRev 159 ; Filter All-Space - MRev 160 ; Ban - M2nd 189 ; Divided Sight - M2nd 190 ; Stalking the Void - M2nd 190 ; Merlin's Ride - Verb 64
Correspondence 4: Bubble of Reality - MRev 160 ; Hermes Portal - MRev 160 ; Polyappearance - MRev 160 ; Wall of Mirrors (w/Forces3) - BoS 140 ; Long Fist (w/Prime 2) - BoS 148 ; Glorious Sword of Heaven Major (w/Forces4) - BT 89
Correspondence 5: Co-location - MRev 160 ;  Spatial Mutations - MRev 160

Entropy Rotes

Entropy 1:  Locate Disorder or Weakness - MRev 162 ; Ring of Truth - MRev 162 ; Dim Mak - M2nd 193 ; Sense Corruption (w/Spirit1) - BoS 139 ; The Trip (w/Mind4, Corr 2, Time 2) - BoS 140 ; Burn Out (w/Forces2) - BoS 145 ; Oathbreaker's Lash (w/Forces3) - BT 87 ; Hermes' Brand (w/Prime2, Forces3, Time4) - BT 89 ; Find Reality Flaws (w/Prime1) - SoE 63
Entropy 2:  Beginner's Luck - MRev 162 ; Games of Luck - MRev 163 ; Random Impulse (w/Mind4) - BoS 141 ; Chaos Butterfly (w/Prime2, Spirit2) - BT 91 ; Banish Blessing (w/Mind2) - Verb 64 ; Tower of Babel/Speak in Tongues (w/Forces2, Mind2) - OoH 64; Hermes' Acrobatics (w/Forces 2)
Entropy 3:  Like Clockwork - MRev 163 ; Slay Machine - MRev 163 ; Screech of the Owl (w/Mind3) - BoS 148 ; Piercing Cry (w/Matter3) - BoS 148
Entropy 4:  Blight of Aging - MRev 164 ; Midwife's Blessing - MRev 164 ; Bone Twisting Palm (w/Life4, Prime3) - BoS 141
Entropy 5:  Binding Oath - MRev 164 ; Mutate Ephemera - MRev 164 ; Destroy Thought - M2nd 195

Forces Rotes

Forces 1:  Darksight - MRev 166 ; Quantify Energy - MRev 166
Forces 2:  Electrical Chaos - MRev 166 ; Energy Shield - MRev 166 ; Discharge Static - M2nd 198 ; Walking on Water - M2nd 198 ; Sneaking Shadows (w/Mind2) - BoS 139 ; Tune Psychic Radio (w/Mind1) - BoS 140 ; Shadows in the Mist (w/Spirit1) - BoS 143 ; Override Signal - BoS 144; Burn Out (w/Entropy1) - BoS 145 ; Glorious Sword of Heaven Minor (w/Corr2) - BT 89 ; Calling the Wind Lords (w/Spirit2) - Verb 64 ; Battery Man (w/Life4) - SoE 64 ; Dream Drama (w/Mind2) - OoH 64 ; Tower of Babel/Speak in Tongues (w/Entropy2, Mind2) - OoH 64; Banshee's Wail (w/Mind 2); Horus' Banishment Field; Hermes' Acrobatics (w/Entropy 2)
Forces 3:  Friction Curse - MRev 166 ; Telekinesis - MRev 167 ; Call Lightning - M2nd 199 ; Wall of Mirrors (w/Corr4) - BoS 140 ; Oathbreaker's Lash (w/Entropy1) - BT 87 ; Gabriel's Embrace (w/Corr2, Matter2, Prime2) - BT 88 ; Hermes' Brand (w/Entropy1, Prime2, Time4) - BT 89 ; Bio-Luminescence (w/Life3) - SoE 64 ; Ignis (w/Prime2) - OoH 65 ; Lightning Gateway (w/Corr2, Prime2) - OoH 65
Forces 4:  Embracing the Earth Mother - MRev 167 ; Storm Watch - MRev 167 ; Sucking Gate (w/Spirit 4, Prime 2) - BoS 141 ; Flying Dragon Kick (w/Corr1) - BoS 148 ; Glorious Sword of Heaven Major (w/Corr4) - BT 89
Forces 5:  Inferno - MRev 167 ; Tempest in a Teapot - MRev 168

Life Rotes

Life 1:  Life Scan - MRev 170 ; Prayer of Healing Revelation - MRev 170 ; Eagle Eye (w/Corr2) - BoS 138 ; Bloodsight - Verb 63 ; Dousing (w/Corr1) - Verb 64 ; General Anesthesia (w/Mind1) - SoE 63
Life 2:  Alter Simple Creature - MRev 170 ; Heal Self - MRev 170 ; Heal Simple Creature - M2nd 202 ; Little Good Death - M2nd 202 ; Mold Tree - M2nd 202 ; Lecherous Kiss (w/Mind2, Prime2) - BoS 142 ; Tummo/Aphrodite's Blessing - CoE 65; Clot
Life 3:  Better Body - MRev 171 ; Rip the Man Body - MRev 171 ; Avatar Form (w/Prime2, Mind2) - BoS 138 ; Adrenal Rush (w/Prime2) - BoS 143 ; Talons (w/Matter2, Prime2) - BoS 146 ; Pygmalion's Paradigm (w/Matter4, Prime2, Spirit2) - BoS 146 ; Dragon Fist (w/Prime2) - BoS 147 ; Oak of Sanguine Root (w/Corr2, Prime2, Matter3) - BT 89 ; Purify - CoE 67 ; Taliesin's Song (w/Mind2) - Verb 64 ; Bio-Luminescence (w/Forces3) - SoE 64 ; Ward the Inner Sanctum (w/Corr2) - OoH 66 ; Heal Complex Creature - M2nd 202; Adrenaline Rush; Wracking Paralysis
Life 4:  Mutate Form - MRev 171 ; Physiological Emotion Control - MRev 171 ; Lesser Shapechanging - M2nd 203 ; Bone Twisting Palm (w/Entropy4, Prime3) - BoS 141 ; Supporting the Brain (w/Matter2, Mind2, Prime2) - BoS 143 ; The Poison Maiden - BoS 146; Song of Orpheus (w/Matter2, Prime2, Time2, Spirit2) - BoS 147 ; Battery Man (w/Force2) - SoE 64
Life 5: Animal Form - MRev 171 ; Perfect Metamorphosis - MRev 171 ; Call Forth the Forgotten (w/Prime2, Spirit2) - BoS 147

Mind Rotes

Mind 1:  Mind Empowerment - MRev 176 ; No-Mind - MRev 176 ; Multi-tasking - M2nd 209 ; Pathos - M2nd 210 ; Shield - M2nd 210 ; Tune Psychic Radio (w/Forces 2) - BoS 140 ; Jury Rig (w/Matter2, Prime2, Corr2) - BoS 142 ; Ariadne's Thread (w/Corr1) - BoS 144 ; Circle Ward (w/Spirit2, Prime2) - Verb 64 ; General Anesthesia (w/Life1) - SoE 63
Mind 2:  Empathic Projection - MRev 176 ; Psychic Impression - MRev 177 ; Subliminal Impulse - M2nd 210 ; Peace of Buddha - BoS 138 ; Avatar Form (w/Life3, Prime2) - BoS 138 ; Sneaking Shadows (w/Forces2) - BoS 139 ; Be Cool - BoS 141 ; Lecherous Kiss (w/Life2, Prime2) - BoS 142 ; Unseen Nomenclature (w/Matter2, Prime2) - BoS 142 ; Supporting the Brain (w/Life4, Matter2, Prime2) - BoS 143 ; Hallmark (w/Prime1) - BoS 145 ; Book of Whispers (w/Matter3, Time3) - BT 88 ; The Golden Apple (w/Matter2) - BT 91 ; Mood Swing/Communion - CoE 65 ; Call Forth Zeitgest (w/Time2, Spirit2) - CoE 65 ; Dreamline (w/Corr2) - CoE 66 ; Banish Blessing (w/Entropy 2) - Verb 64 ; Taliesin's Song (w/Life3) - Verb 64 ; Dream Drama (w/Forces 2) - OoH 64 ; Tower of Babel/Speak in Tongues (w/Entropy2, Forces2) - OoH 64; Banshee's Wail (w/Forces 2)
Mind 3:  Probe Thoughts - MRev 177 ; Telepathy - MRev 178 ; Graphic Transmission - M2nd 210 ; Pixie Lead (w/Corr2) - BoS 145 ; Screech of the Owl (w/Entropy3) - BoS 148 ; Prolong Pleasure/Pain (w/Time3) - CoE 66 ; Knock Out (w/Prime2) - SoE 64
Mind 4:  Manipulate Memory - MRev 178 ; Possession - MRev 178 ; Astral Projection - MRev 178 ; The Trip (w/Corr2, Time2, Entropy 1) - BoS 140 ; Random Impulse (w/Entropy 2) - BoS 141
Mind 5:  Create Mind - MRev 179 ; Untether - M2nd 211

Matter Rotes

Matter 1:  Analyze Substance - MRev 173 ; Fragments of Dream - MRev 173
Matter 2:  Melt and Reform - MRev 173 ; Straw into Gold - MRev 173 ; Unseen Nomenclature (w/Mind2, Prime2) - BoS 142 ; Jury Rig (w/Prime2, Corr2, Mind1) - BoS 142 ; Supporting the Brain (w/Life4, Mind2, Prime2) - BoS 143 ; Talons (w/Life 3, Prime2) - BoS 146 ; Song of Orpheus (w/Life4, Prime2, Time2, Spirit2) - BoS 147 ; Gabriel's Embrace (w/Corr2, Prime2, Forces3) - BT 88 ; The Golden Apple (w/Mind2) - BT 91 ; Bombolai (w/Prime2) - CoE 66 ; Purify - CoE 67; Return the Bolt (w/Correspondence 2)
Matter 3:  Destroy Structures - MRev 173 ; Sculpture - MRev 173 ; Alter State - M2nd 206 ; Spirit Wounding (w/Spirit 4) - BoS 143 ; Piercing Cry (w/Entropy3) - BoS 148 ; Book of Whispers (w/Mind2, Time3) - BT 88 ; Oak of Sanguine Root (w/Corr2, Prime2, Life3) - BT 89
Matter 4:  Alloy - MRev 174 ; Transformers - MRev 174 ; Pygmalion's Paradigm (w/Life3, Prime2, Spirit2) - BoS 146
Matter 5:  Alter Weight - MRev 174 ; Matter Association - MRev 174 ; Tapping the Signal - M2nd 207

Prime Rotes

Prime 1:  Consecration - MRev 181 ; Heart's Blood - MRev 182 ; Watch the Weaving - MRev 182 ; The Rush - M2nd 214 ; Prime Location (w/Corr1) - BoS 145 ; Hallmark (w/Mind2) ; Find Reality Flaws (w/Entropy1) - SoE 63
Prime 2:  Body of Light - MRev 183 ; Enchant Weapon - MRev 183 ; Holy Stroke - MRev 183 ; Rubbing the Bones - M2nd 215 ; Avatar Form (w/Life 3, Mind 2) - BoS 138 ; Sucking Gate (w/Spirit 4, Forces 4) - BoS 141 ; Lecherous Kiss (w/Mind2, Life2) - BoS 142 ; Unseen Nomenclature (w/Mind2, Matter2) - BoS 142 ; Jury Rig (w/Matter2, Corr2, Mind1) - BoS 142 ; Supporting the Brain (w/Life4, Matter2, Mind2) - BoS 143 ; Adrenal Rush (w/Life3) - BoS 143 ; Talons (w/Life3, Matter2) - BoS 146 ; Pygmalion's Paradigm (w/Matter4, Life3, Spirit2) - BoS 146 ; Song of Orpheus (w/Life4, Matter2, Time2, Spirit2) - BoS 147 ; Call Forth the Forgotten (w/Life5, Spirit2) - BoS 147 ; Dragon Fist (w/Life3) - BoS 147 ; Long Fist (w/Corr4) - BoS 148 ; Gabriel's Embrace (w/Forr2, Matter2, Forces3) - BT 88 ; Oak of Sanguine Root (w/Corr2, Life3, Matter3) - BT 89 ; Hermes' Brand (w/Entropy1, Forces3, Time4) - BT 89 ; Chaos Butterfly (w/Entropy2, Spirit2) - BT 91 ; Bombolai (w/Matter2) - CoE 66 ; Circle Ward (w/Spirit2, Mind1) ; Knock Out (w/Mind3) - SoE 64 ; Ignis (w/Forces3) - OoH 65 ; Lightning Gateway (w/Corr2, Forces3) - OoH 65
Prime 3:  Bond of Blood - MRev 183 ; Enchant Life - MRev 184 ; Lambs to the Slaughter - MRev 184 ; Create Minor Talisman - M2nd 215 ; Bone Twisting Palm (w/Entropy4, Life4) - BoS 141 ; Compel the Unseen (w/Spirit2) - OoH 65 ; Parma Magica - OoH 65
Prime 4:  Create Talismans and Artifacts - MRev 184 ; Flames of Purification - MRev 184 ; Wellspring - MRev 185
Prime 5:  Fount of Paradise - MRev 185 ; Paradox Ward - MRev 185 ; Master's Enchantment - MRev 185

Spirit Rotes

Spirit 1:  Detect Possession - MRev 187 ; Spirit Sight - MRev 187 ; Sense Corruption (w/Entropy1) - BoS 139 ; Scrying (w/Corr2) - BoS 140 ; Shadows in the Mist (w/Forces2) - BoS 143 ; Detect the Dream Gateway (w/Corr1) - BoS 145
Spirit 2:  Call Spirit - MRev 187 ; The Spirit's Caress - MRev 187 ; Pygmalion's Paradigm (w/Matter4, Life3, Prime2) - BoS 146 ; Song of Orpheus (w/Life4, Matter2, Prime2, Time2) - BoS 147 ; Call Forth the Forgotten (w/Life5, Prime2) - BoS 147 ; Chaos Butterfly (w/Entropy2, Prime2) - BT 91 ; Call Forth Zeitgeist (w/Mind2, Time2) - CoE 65 ; Calling the Wind Lords (w/Forces2) - Verb 64 ; Circle Ward (w/Mind1, Prime2) - Verb 64 ; Compel the Unseen (w/Prime3) - OoH 65
Spirit 3:  Awaken the Inanimate - MRev 187 ; Stepping Sideways - MRev 188 ; Free the Mad Howlers - M2nd 218 ; Bombolai - CoE 66
Spirit 4:  Affix Gauntlet - MRev 189 ; Breach the Gauntlet - MRev 189 ; Psychic Sterilization - M2nd 218 ; Gauntlet Prison - M2nd 218 ; Create Fetish - M2nd 219 ; Living Bridge - M2nd 219 ; Exorcism - M2nd 219 ; Sucking Gate (w/Forces4, Prime2) - BoS 141 ; Spirit Wounding (w/Matter3) - BoS 143 ; the Holy Pentacles - OoH 66
Spirit 5:  Break the Dreamshell - MRev 189 ; Deep Umbra Travel - MRev 189

Time Rotes

Time 1:  Perfect Time - MRev 191 ; Time Sense - MRev 192 ; Sense the Fleeting Moment - Verb 63
Time 2:  Divinations - MRev 192 ; Time Wards - MRev 192 ; Postcognition - M2nd 223 ; Songs of Future Days - M2nd 223 ; The Trip (w/Mind 4, Corr 2, Entropy1) - BoS 140 ; Song of Orpheus (w/Life4, Matter2, Prime2, Spirit2) - BoS 147 ; Call Forth Zeitgeist (w/Mind2, Spirit2) - CoE 65
Time 3:  Distort Time - MRev 193 ; Time Warp - MRev 193 ; Accelerate Time - M2nd 223 ; Slow Time - M2nd 223 ; Book of Whispers (w/Mind2, Matter3) - BT 88 ;  Prolong Pleasure/Pain (w/Mind3) - CoE 66
Time 4:  Contingent Effect - MRev 193 ; Programmed Event - MRev 193 ; Hermes' Brand (w/Entropy 1, Prime2, Forces3) - BT 89
Time 5:  Sidestep Time - MRev 193 ; Time Travel - MRev 194