Fading Suns 2d20 System

This is a system for fixing the Fading Suns flat dice mechanic. The basic system was suggested by WRyan000@aol.com and it has been expanded on by Samhaine@tekh.org .

Basic System

All traits on the character sheet remain unchanged. When rolling against a goal number, two twenty-sided dice are used instead of one. Barring other modifying circumstances, the better of the two rolls is taken as the actual roll for the purpose of number of successes/victory point calculation.

Expanded System

A few special circumstances nonetheless apply. In specific, special circumstances apply to rolls of the Goal Number (a critical under the original system) and of 20.

Goal Number on one die, but Failure on the other: The roll is a Normal success, and VPs are calculated for the number rolled.

Goal Number on one die, and Success on the other: The roll is a Critical success, and VPs are doubled as normal for a critical.

Goal Number on Both dice: The roll is a Critical success, and, additionally, if the roll can have other positive ramifications on the setting or other positive results, these will likely be included. The Pancreator has smiled on you.

20 on one die, but Success on the other: The roll is still successful, but suffers a taint of bad luck if appropriate.

20 on one die, and Failure on the other: The roll is considered an Embarrassing botch, and something bad but not terrible will happen.

20 on both dice: The roll is considered a Terrible botch, and something truly and appropriately awful will happen. The Pancreator has frowned on you.

System Accenting

Under this system, Accenting works differently. Accenting still requires the same initiative penalty (-3) as listed in the book, and thus cannot be done on reactive rolls (the character must be undertaking an action, not responding to stimuli, such as is occurring in most Observe rolls and the like). It does cost a Wyrd point, and must be declared before making the roll.

Accenting Up: The character releases care and reasonable certainty for a chance at greater reward. Take the higher of the two dice rolled, but roll as normal. All Expanded system effects are in play. The character gains Victory Points at 1 for every 2 levels of the roll, as per the accenting chart in the 2nd edition Fading Suns book. Botches are exceptionally penalized, as the character was really overexerting himself.

Accenting Down: The character takes extreme caution with the task, giving up excellence for certainty and focus. Take the lower of the two dice rolled, but roll as normal. All Expanded system effects are in play. The character gains Victory Points at 1 for every 2 levels of the roll, as per the accenting chart in the 2nd edition Fading Suns book. Botches are less terrible, as the character was being more careful.


A character may, after a roll has been made, spend up to a single Wyrd point to affect the outcome. This Wyrd point allows the character to adjust either die up or down by one number. This enables the character to avoid an Embarrassing Botch entirely, to lessen a Terrible Botch, to snatch Success from a near miss, and to bump a close roll into a Critical. Only one die can be thus altered, and only one point of Wyrd can be spent on a single roll.