The Saga of the Stone Heart
Book 1: Basilisk
Gather ye all from parts farflung
Make haste for the call has come due
Of many quests the songs are sung
Prove thyselves to be questers true
Now come to the crimson hawk's court
Set aside feelings of ill will
Secrets stolen, a grim report
For this knowledge parties do kill
Go forth, seek a figure of stone
Find it on a mystical world
Drawn within yet never alone
With visions the quest has unfurled
Book 2: Witch
In style a great dance sets the stage
Songs bring on rebirth of the year
Yet the revel is marred by rage
And the quest's truth that all should fear
Ride forth on a great steed of war
The pegasus bears well the lead
Through space the questers do now soar
Into the Dark to do the deed
Frozen Silence hangs deep in space
The rock was made but not with love
Combat and work most foul to face
With losses set all back above
Book 3: Gorgon
Go they to the planet of last resort
Odd events conspire to set them at edge
New faces and yet with a strange rapport
Landscapes of mind free and renew the pledge.
Now from an island their destiny calls
Approach not from the ground but from above
The world's heartbeat contained by metal walls
Within blood calls to blood, love calls to love.
Triumphant return to planets that call
But victory may leave a hollow taste
Yet they have managed to prevent the fall
And by events have the players been graced.