
::It's been a busy month, and you've been caught up in it. Daughters and other overlooked nobles are speaking up to claim their rights. The Justus are trying to consolidate their power against an aggressive undercurrent from the Castenda. The Dulcinea, Bursandra, Rolas, and Estancia are all trying to move into position to add the Black Cypress positions to their authority within the house. To all, it looks like the Justus were meant to lead... but the Castenda are proving a remarkable and unusual cohesion, leveraging their control of Sutekh and poisoning the Bursandra (dominant family of Vera Cruz) claims by trying to implicate them in the destruction of the Eduardos and the fall of Hira. Despite what you assume are setbacks in their plans, the Castenda still seem to have a dominant role in the house, and some of the cross-house facets of the document are openly called into question since their drafter is deceased. As the ones who found the document, cured the selchaka addiction, drove off the Jakovian invasion, and supported a newly forged but well-landed Baroness, you are centers of social attention...


Many nobles seem interested in making your acquaintence, and you haven't had much time to yourselves. December is approaching next week, and you've finally gotten some downtime to pursue your own agendas and nagging questions.::

((where did you want to be holed up... Isabella or New Barcelona?))

((Would like to be close to clinic, but it's not vital.))

((fine by me))

((Agreed. Probably where we would be.))

::The old New Barcelona home of Jaime Eduardo is finally completely livable again, though it's strange to An not to be sequestered in one of the side rooms. Jaime had a hell of a master suite... Alphonso is happier than you've seen him in months, bustling around and restoring the furnishings.::

::tries to stay out of his way as much as possible::

::his hands seem to have lost most of their mobility, but due to Lan's ministrations months ago, he still retains enough mobility to maintain the household::

::goes to the kitchen to make himself Coffee, unwilling to disturb the servants::

It's best that he stay active. ::comments thoughtfully::

::despite your recent activity and the seeming closure of the issue of inheritence, all of you feel a nagging doubt that this is finished.::

::spends his day pondering where the shoe will drop::

You now, Padre. ::over tea:: I can't help but wonder when exactly the Jakovans are going to throttle me in my sleep.

Not to mention. Where are we going to open our arboretum and research garden?

::wanders into the kitchen at the smell of coffee in a dressing gown and wielding a stack of correspondence. she doesn't look like she had much sleep even now that you're home::

Silly doctor. Throttleing implies that your death will be quick.

::pours a cup of Caw-fee for himself and Maria and offers her the cup::

Honestly though, I think they have bigger problems right now.

::takes it gladly, juggling the papers, and sits down to the table to drink and read::

::takes a sip from his Kaow-phi:: I don't think its over yet. Theres something, else. Doesn't take a fortune teller to see that much.

::looks up from the documents:: It's rough. The Castenda are planning something, and I wish I knew what it was. They've never been this organized before, but they're calling in favors with all the right people...

Well... who's smart enough among them to organize? ::Skeptically::

Who among them would be running this kind of PR campaign?

Even with everything we did to upset them, they're still pretty neck and neck with the Justus and the Bursandra amongst the lords that will decide on the Prince or Princess.

By the by, in case it's really necessary to remind you all, inadequate third-stage sleep is the real cause of every known symptom of aging. Especially before 110.

::sighs:: I wasn't really clear on how much political intriguing father did, until I had a permanent address again.

What about the Justus? They attempting a full push or do they seem cut off at the knees?

And, for who's behind it, it would almost have to be Duchess Elena. Her mother tried the same thing when Prince Juan was young, but she couldn't mobalize properly and she lost. Maybe her daughter learned? They're definitely in the game, but everything's really... polite... right now. Before Black Cypress, it might have come to a war. Now, it's about putting together blocs while everyone waits for the others to call a vote. And nobody really seems to want to do it until they're sure where everyone else is going to stand. Meanwhile, they're probably all hoping for one big impressive thing to put them over the top.

What, is there a yet-unnoticed clause in the thing about what happens if all-out war breaks out?

Or some big slip up for their rivals.

Oh. So they're scheming the slip-ups.

Which I'm sure they are engineering now as we speak.

I hate politics.

No, no clause, but the Justus have reason to support the document, since it leaves them in charge, but if they call a vote to support it, and they lose, then they've lost entirely and the Castenda and Bursandra will fight it out. As the political capital to get the document ratified is pretty much the same as you'd need to mount a political attack without the document. And the Castenda have used the downtime to get enough Dulcinea and Rolas on their side that, now, a hot war would be apocalyptic to the house, so nobody wants that. Especially with the Kurgans on Hira.

That's kind of a selling point itself, you know. "Justus. The only real solution that leaves us all alive."

Long story short, I don't know what we can do to help the Justus... assuming that's best for the house... or what might happen soon.

Speaking of Kurgans, what is the news about them?

No real word about them lately. They seem to be in charge of the Hira jumpgate, so we only lost a couple of scout ships before giving up. We'd have to punch through a fleet to just get the lay of the land.

...And if we are going that far, might as well try to take the system back.

Fortunately, thanks to us, the fleets have mostly returned to Vera Cruz, so we're not quite as open to attack as we could have been.

They're just not really restaffed and organized yet to try to push back, particularly since the house might still have a hot war and blow up their Bursandra leaders' political future while they're away. So they're sticking close to home. And half the Bursandra are here anyway so they can be close to the politics.

Hira is something we'll have to deal with once the house gets fully established. A unified front is required to push back the Kurgan Invasion.

::chuckles darkly:: Call a crusade and let the chips fall where they may?

And who's gonna call it? You guys don't have THAT much clout.

I just wish we knew what the Castenda have planned. If this was a Decados plot, it would have folded when we messed with them. They're still too organized, so it's gotta be internal.

I want someone to fight.

::puts a hand on Marias shoulder:: Then maybe its time for our little cadre to look into some espionage, see if we can figure it all out.

Maybe I should just go ask Malena.

We did allright with our last high stake infiltration. You know anyone else it would be useful to skewer as a distraction?

Your skewering-- ::points:: Is too effective.

::chuckles into his coffee a bit:: I'm sure there is someone who I could stab.

Well. Who else would be capable of this kind of thing, anyway? Or, no. You're certain it's inside then.

What? Propping up a whole faction of a noble house to have way more clout than seems reasonable? If it's not the Decados, it's someone even scarier.

Duchess Elena sounded like the good suggestion earlier.

We at least knew they were in bed with the Mantis.

Scarrier than the Decados.

Wait...have they CAUGHT the black lion yet? Cause he might pull something like this as some sort of ironic vengeance.

Maybe it's our boss. ::fingers the imperial cohort badge on the counter::

::sorts through the stack:: holdon... last message from Decados space that got to us is a few weeks old, but it looks like the Imperial fleet is locking down the Jakovians pretty well. Unless he was offworld at the time, he's toast.

Both Eduardo and Justus were vocal supporters of the empire after we lost the war. If Alexius wanted to get back at Juan for going up against him, there are easier ways to do it that wouldn't risk putting another house....

Fair enough. Can't count of him being our resident boogyman then.

into the camp of his main rivals.

Well, so Elena remains the number one suspect. any way or removing her name from the hat?

Short of actual proof that she's behind everything and not just an effective opportunist? She's slid out of everything else so far still in a strong position.

We could always just go ask her. See what she says.

Padre and I have turned over a new leaf.

Wait, we have? Which leaf was this?

Yeah, remember? No making up complex stories. "Can I have your gun please?" "Sure!" "Thanks!"

Right. That. I thought we weren't going to talk to people about that?

Anyway. So we can't like, get further dirt on somebody to let us effectively throw the balance?

Besides, I haven't had much luck telling people the truth lately either.

Speaking of telling the truth. How is the poor sister of the poor man I impaled?

Nonplussed, I would say. We made small talk. She really isn't the brains of the Castenada, is she?

In the noble lottery, sometimes you get brains, sometimes you get political skill, and sometimes you get someone great at war. Those of us not blessed with a lot of all three find people to help us out. Doesn't make us less of a person.

::And, though she's good about not opening her mouth if she's not completely aware of the situation, you're all aware that Maria isn't tremendously intelligent, either, on a purely intellectual sense::

Hell, having a ton of brains isn't the worst thing in the world. Decent advisors can cure that problem, if you are a judge of character.

I don't mean bookish. But do you think she really knows much about what her closest are doing? I mean, I suppose I really don't want to know, on one hand.

Well, she's high ranking, so at the very least she's getting marching orders to pass on to her people. Whether she has enough of the picture to know what' s going on, or just what she needs to know, probably depends on what she needs to know.

::finishes tea:: Anyway, I think it's past time I called on the Marchessa. I can still get away with that, presumably. We're hardly unpopular these days.

And she was one of the first Castenda on the ground after the tragedy, that I'm aware of... so there's probably a reason for that.

Probably. We're gonna need to play this one defensively. Most likely we won't know anything for sure until they make their first moves. We need to be ready to react no matter what.

::sighs:: It's going to... vex me. If she's ... involved. With the selchaka particularly. Anyway, it would be well if I looked into Tyrone's therapy, too. The re-secting I had to do. Oy.

Something tells me she isn't. Or if she is, that it's recent, and she's uncomfortable with it.

Do we... have any other windows into what the Castenada are thinking? ::vaguely mope-ish::

You could put the moves on Tyrone.

I don't think the doctor is his type.

::scowls:: I like my men blonde.

::looks from Lan to An's blonde hair, then makes a significant look at her saber::

Watch out doctor, she's a jealous one.

::rolls eyes and goes back to pondering::

Oh quit. You can't slice me. Who would put me back together?

He has a point.

You... must live in constant fear that we're going to start a fight that you get caught up in

Why do you think we try so hard to keep him out of those fights?

Most of the things we end up doing terrify me. But if we need more sources of information about who's planning what... I guess it's me off to visit the Marchessa.

Most likely best

Have Alphonso charter you a plane.

::nods, and heads off to look into it and pack::

::Alphonso proves as adept with finagling charioteers as he does with keeping a house in order, and Lan is on the next flight to Port Isabella, first class all the way::

::Assuming no other plans, the plane lands in a few hours, and Lan can catch a cab out to the bluffs::

::conjures up plan to insert Lan via hang glider, then discards it.

::dresses neatly and brings bags as if to stay a day or so::

((ack, some sucky lag there, sorry.))

((calling ahead, showing up as a surprise, trying to get her to meet you...?))

((Oh! I believe I'll go with the get a place to stay of my own, and invite her to picnic lunch, unless that seems totally unworkable.))

((Lag hell.))

::Lan rents out a nice little bungalow on the beach, as even though it's the nice of an equatorial climate, it's the off season and they're easy to come by, then sends his invitation... her people call him back later in the afternoon and say that she's busy the next day, but could make a few hours for him the day after::

::replies that the picnic isn't really necessary, ultimately, but he would like to see her at her convenience, and possibly check up on her brother's therapy::

::they assure him that the picnic is fine::

::Says then that he looks forward to it with the greatest enthusiasm.::

::the next day, Lan has time to plan his date::

::shops for the right wine and cheeses. Takes a stroll around the park in question, looking inconspicuous.::

::the nature park that Maria mentioned is very lovely. Lan is able to easily pick up some interesting facts about the local fauna and environment from the maintenance staff.::

::is almost distracted from anxiety by talking about the fauna and flora. But breaks away, and tries to get a decent night's sleep. Sends a message back to the others detailing his plans for the following day. Just in case, you know::

::The next day dawns clear and crisp, a good day for a picnic, and around lunchtime Lan can get a car to go meet at the noble neighborhood::

::heads on up at the appointed time, waits patiently, is deferrential::

::after a few minutes wait, Tyrone comes walking out of the door, wearing a nice silk shirt and trousers... the shirt almost completely hides the bandages still swathing his shoulder::

::looks the car over carefully, then walks up to Lan with a mixed look of annoyance and gratitude. Offers to shake with his good hand:: Unless I am completely wrong about the purpose of this meeting, I am here to chaperone.

Ah, well. I'll be done twice the honor, then, milord. How's your shoulder? I'm concerned about range of motion.

((Sorry, phone. I'm back now.))

::and shakes::

::flexes his arm with a concealed wince of pain, but the range of motion is about as good as Lan could hope for at this stage:: Where are we going, so I can log the trip with our people?

((insert name Salamanca here)) nature preserve. It does look about as well as can be expected. You have a good therapist, I trust.

Yes. The training has already begun. An hour each day, at least. ::nods and goes to inform the guard and fetch Malena::

::mutters about 'training' and waits::

::a minute later, Tyrone emerges escorting Malena. She's dressed in the most simple and demure outfit you've ever seen her in: a fitted sun-dress with a wide-brimmed hat, both in red...

of course, when the sun hits the fabric right, there are moments of... translucency::

My lady. ::allows a faint smile:: A pleasure to see you again, under less frantic circumstances.

Doctor Lan, I'm so glad you called ::offers her hand::

::takes her hand and bows head over it, as naturally as a commoner can manage:: Shall we, then? I'm delighted your brother is joining us. I wonder if... ::leans as close as propriety allows:: You've considered getting him a therapist, rather than some brutal trainer?

I trust your health is well? You look radiant, to be sure. ::bland smile::

::quietly:: My cousin has the best therapist we could find. He soothes his ego by pretending it is just training. ::normal volume:: Why thank you, you look very charming yourself.

((health is well? is that even english? Trust you're in good health.))

((it might be... Urthish))

::Tyrone sits next to the driver in the car, and allows the two of you the back seat::

Let's be off then? ::solicitously::

::the drive to the nature preserve is short and easy, with a nice view of the ocean for much of it, before entering into the forest::

I think there's a bit of sorrell going to seed here this season that will be a nice touch to the salad I've brought. Do you come to this preserve often? ::disembarking, taking up the picnic basket himself::

I believe I have done business here a few times in the last months, but never for pleasure. You are as skilled with botany as you are with healing?

All healing arts begin with botany, milady. The pancreator gives His Green kingdom only so many ways of ::gestures vaguely:: competing... with those of us who're more mobile. But the phytochemicals that result... I've seen high seco

nd republic machines that cannot outperform nature.... ::amends:: Nature and time.

::you're clear that Malena has little idea what you're saying, but is very impressed nonetheless, perhaps just getting a read that you know what you're talking about. You walk down a nature path with Tyrone a discrete distance behind.::

I thought you might be. Your book was of that kind of theme. Grail must be very beautiful.

If I was surer of the future I would put myself at your service, showing you its treasures. ::nods sincerely:: Which are no small account. As it is, though, I worry.


All blood is precious to me. I don't look forward to it ever being spilled. Even by my closest friends. Even from those who are inevitably not my friends. ::downcast::

You expect blood?

Noblemen always have their reasons, and I don't presume to judge. But bloodshed seems too often the result. If you told me it were otherwise, I'm sure I'd be much relieved.

Perhaps we should have our meal before we talk of such dark things. I know so little about you.

I do beg your pardon. A medical doctor's the worst sort of conversationalist at times? Ha-ha. I hope the wine's to your liking. ::finds the scenic clearing and park shelter up ahead, and starts laying things out::

::the meal is very nice. Malena proves adept at managing small talk in a way that Lan wouldn't by able to duplicate, and seems to be very cleverly getting him to reveal bits of his character through his answers.::

::by the end of the meal, Tyrone sitting in a nice tree within line of sight but out of earshot for quite conversation, she seems to have made up her mind on something::

::remains wrapped in an essentially morbid and tense state of mind, however honest he is in reply, but gradually lightens up::

So, oh doctor of the black moods, why here? Why not saving lives on Grail or any other planet?

::thinks about that a second:: Well, partly because of the Decados. What they did with the selchaka, and ... other things I prefer not to mention. Are against God and Nature. Those things offended me. Partly because I admit.... ::sm

iles blandly:: That nobility can be charming, and rarely does a commoner like myself have such pleasant company.

::she smiles prettily, at just that moment a sunbeam peaks through a cloud and the right angle to give Lan a very good view::

Your charm does you credit. I've been lied to by many charming noblemen, and the honesty you have makes your words much sweeter than theirs. This selchaka thing, then, is personal to you?

Shall I tell you a secret? A dark one?

((you know, all in all, for a noble from a house of vipers, meeting a hot guy that's charming while being totally without guile is probably somewhat thrilling))

((One hopes.))

::quirks a cute little eyebrow:: Yes?

I've taken one man's life. Appropriately enough, he was a doctor. He abused medical science-- whose only proper purpose is healing. I .... I do take it personally.

A man involved in this drug?

::nods:: ((Unless I have that wrong.))

((yeah. it wasn't his main thing, but he was involved broadly in the operation))

I must confess I know little about it, besides they say that the Decados were responsible.

::nods:: Ah, more tacky nonsense about my profession. So, by business, I imagine you mean you come to train in sword art here? Or dance? ::looks around as though for musicians::

No, it is a pleasing place for conversations on many topics. No prying ears or eyes. ::shakes her head in wonderment:: You're sort of cute when you're trying to dig.

((Lan vs. Malena - Analytical Intelligence vs. Social Intelligence in action!))

::ignores remarks about digging:: I did promise you I would learn to dance. I expect the chance to prove, some day. If I were digging, I'd ask you right out what Castenada forsees to break the impasse.

Well, yes, that is digging... perhaps with a tractor or some other form of heavy machinery. I should be pleased to see how much you have learned of dance. If you're competent at that, you might wish to move on to more subtle forms of political conversation ::said jokingly::

::earnestly:: But I don't. I don't wish to improve on my politics. I only wish to avoid bloodshed. Well, and I've wanted to dance with you.

Well, let us dance with words a bit more, then perhaps you can show me how you move on your feet... why do you think the Castenda need to break an impasse?

Because things don't seem settled, nor seem likely to settle themselves. If you tell me I'm wrong about that, I'd be greatly reassured. ::but not so much::

Well, I am a much better judge of personal character than of the political climate. I maintain my respect by managing to read people, find out where they stand, and getting them to move closer to me. That is useful to my family. Lately, I have found a much easier time making friends than I would have a year ago. What do you fear if my duchess came to be princess of the Hazat?

Perhaps I've already gone too far. ::shrugs:: But I suppose its' the path she would take that alarms me most.

What path is that?

Well, I don't know, Milady. ::hushed:: Would it involve forced marriages? Drugging noblewomen? Would it involve even yourself in things I would not stand to hear you accused of? It's not fair to ask me that sort of question.

Begging your pardon.

No... your fears are misplaced. The duchess has only ever wanted to succeed where her mother failed... to be the face of the Hazat. Any actions we may have taken were too that end, but no further. But... I believe she spent too long in the counsel of our... friends. She thinks sideways. Duchess Amanda... her mother... took on the Eduardo head-on and lost. I didn't want to believe it at first, but I think Elena has been working a kind of political judo for years that would impress and shock her mother. I am not deep in her counsels, but I hear things. I help move things and people. I get things done, though it is often better that I don't know why. And I'm worried.

::nods. Vaguely pained expression::

You are a popular man amongst the other Hazat. A hero of Aragon, some call you. Do you have the political power to direct a tactical strike against Elena and her close allies without wiping out my whole family? I believe Duchess Salandra must have asked something similar of your friend, the new questing knight.

I suspect she did, though I wasn't told. ::clears throat weakly:: Malena. I ... certainly don't have that kind of power. And I don't want anybody's family wiped out. Much less, yours.

Well, unfortunately, that is the position I find myself in. I could tell you things that would ruin me if turned against my family. If I do not, awful things happen, but we remain powerful, perhaps becoming the most powerful. Without some kind of assurance, you ask me to weigh my conscience against the safety and power of my blood.

::nods forlornly:: When I can make you assurances, I will. Will you dance with me now? ::pained smile:: Or maybe it would be well to make me wait?

((I don't mean to eat the whole evening with chitchat. Sorry guys.))

We will dance at a celebration of your heroic efforts in saving the house, or at the coronation of Princess Elena.

((Ain't no thing, I'm doing homework))

Everything you've said about yourself is true. ::smiles::

((So that your final word?))

((Well, yes, except for more typical smalltalk, I don't think Lan was prepared to offer to off any duchesses tonight.))


Here's sorrell, to remember our little picnic by. Sweet or bitter, depending on the climate. ::hands her a sprig::

((There, hows that.))

::and the smalltalk continues, but lacks its earlier vivacity. The marquesa is dropped off some time later, with nothing really resolved::
