~~~ IC ~~~

::after about ten minutes of wheedling, and sending a runner to check with Lan, the guards finally let Budi into the party after searching him for contraband... it's currently well after dark in the festive, pavillion-filled Hazat courtyard, and guests are now moving about into small groups, though the majority are still dancing within the lighted area, but it seems that politics are really beginning out here... An has just seen Tyrone return from a hacienda that he suspects must be Maria's current location, and doesn't think too many people are paying him particular attention at the moment... Lan continues to dance and small talk with the Marchessa... Martel is getting drunk and telling war stories... and Vasili is somberly hanging back covering An's exit but not doing anything else terribly important::

::Head over toward Martel.::

::the Avestite's booming voice in mid-story carries almost to the gates, so finding him is no real difficulty::

And then, surprising no one, the damn barbarians charged right into the blaster fire! ::gesticulating animatedly::

::Make a sharp turn and haed for Vasili::

::there is appreciative laughter from the older Hazat gentlemen sitting around the table with him::

::Vasili does not look like he plans on engaging in conversation tonight.. somber::

I tell ya, its like they have no sense. makes then dangerous at times...

::Is just clumsy enough to make anybody look good, though not so inept as to make somebody who's good look bad.::

::makes his way quitely out the way Tyrone came back from, trying not to look suspicious::

::A quick run by the Bar and then hangout with some Hazat pilot want-to-be::

::the lights and noise of the party fade as An moves across the open space, letting him sink into the cool evening shadows as the grass bends softly underfoot::

::The Hacienda up ahead only has two lights visible from the front: the lantern on the porch to lead the guests home, and a soft light in an upper left window::

::looks around for a rock on the ground anywhere::

::small rock that is::

::the lawns are well cared for, but a few moment's scrounding turns up a pebble near the path::

::tosses the pebble up at the upper left window::

::clink... there is no response, even a few moments later::

::though you do think you see the shadows shift slightly inside::

Now the ascorbites. THEY are a handful. Nasty bugs can tear a mans head off, quick as you can blink.

::tosses another pebble::

::now there's definate movement inside, but no one comes to the window::

::doesn't especially wish to be reminded of ascorbites. Noble politics does just as well as any story being told. But.::

::looks around for something to hide behind and throws the rock again::

::the window opens slightly and a familiar voice calls out with an edge of anger:: Listen, when I said I would like to be alone for the rest of the evening, I really though you'd do me that favor!

::looks up at the widow:: Well fine then. ::smiles::

::there's a satisfied "humph!", the window closes... insert three second pause...::

::opens the window again, quietly:: An?

Yeah, It's me. ::moves closer to the building::

... ::looks down, her hair in her typical pre-bed braid, anger and excitement, with slight embarrassment, coloring her cheeks as she makes sure no one's behind you:: Meet me in the back

::nods and starts to move around back of building::

(("I wanna be your back door man! Hey! Ho!" -Robert Plant ))

::you hear the window shut again, quietly, as you move to the back, where there is a large patio and a decent view of the ocean, but more importantly a small line of trees as a privacy hedge and the bulk of the house in between you and the party::

::looks to make sure no one is around and climbs up onto the porch::

::after about a minute there's a quiet click as the back door opens and Maria moves carefully out, wearing a dark dressing robe, looks around again to make sure you weren't followed, then flings herself as quietly as possible at you, arms spread for a hug::

::grabs hold of her in a hard embrace:: ...hi.

::returns the embrace, with a force that probably would have cracked a rib in old, unhealthy An:: Hey ::then pulls away and smacks him kind of hard on the shoulder:: If you get caught we're both in trouble!

I won't get caught, I'm the master of sneakyness. ::breaks a smile:: I could say I came to secretly whisk you away to somewhere else. I think they would understand.

::sighs:: They'd understand that it's a long way down to the water from here and no one would hear you fall ... ::softly:: bastards

No, I can fly, remember. ::grins:: Its you I'm worried about.

No... I'm fine... just caged like a pet... forbidden to talk to the only people that I have left... due to marry a pompous twit of a cousin from a family of vipers that have been poisoning us for years... You know, fine ::sighs and lays her head onto An's shoulder::

Yeah, sounds like you're have a party of a time. Listen, I'm gonna get you out of here no matter what. But I had to see you tonight, to let you know I'm still here and I still love you.

Any progress?

Hey... guess what. ::starts running his hand up and down her back:: Well, we stole a gargoyle. Pegasus says, Hello.

::chuckles softly:: I heard they were deflated yesterday

We've been gathering our resources, my sister has sent help, and I've called out to all those I can trust. We're afraid a war is coming and that there won't be anyone to stand against it. Oh yeah, and I'm thinking of becoming a night, so I can beat your new "boyfriend" up. ::grins::

It shouldn't be too hard... can you believe the egotistical bastard actually wanted to show me some fencing manuevers? If it wasn't so demeaning, I would have been laughing... So what's this party really about?

::snaps his fingers:: Damn, I was hoping you would kill him in a dueling accident. Well the new Hazat rising from the ashes of the old. The same sort of. "We are evil, we did this, ha you can't stop us" routine.

The Castenda said they're taking over the house? Even at the worst I can't imagine anyone would be willing to allow them to do that... the Justus aren't anyone's favorite family, but they're far more suited to lead if the Eduardos can't manage to regain control

Hey listen... they will. They're so much behind this we can't see yet.

... but it will be people like Petros who rise if it does ::sniffs sadly:: I watched the best of my family burned in minutes. There are so few worth knowing that escaped or weren't present. And if Petros rises it will be on the shoulders of those fucking Castenda that are always here. Why else would he be even entertaining their presence if it wasn't for some advantage they're promising him?

Yeah, good point. I could get a big stick and just hit all of them. ::can't really bring himself to smile::

::gives a slight laugh:: But even if in some way I escape marrying that sybaritic fool, my house will no longer be the same. It will be even worse than the Decados; at least they're obvious about their corruption ::obviously holding back tears:: All I have left of my family, my identity, is my house... but soon it won't be what I remember it was

Hey look, ::reaches into his pocket:: I found this... well... I had this made by a local guy, I know its not much. ::pulls out the ring:: They say that this one ::points to one of the stones:: Is part of a Gargoyle, and this one is part of the Ruins of Castle Furias. Its nothing fancy, but I just thought... ::kinda trails off:: Well...

::smiles and holds it up to the light of the rising moon:: Thank you

Its kind of a ring and its kind of a promise to you. And I was hoping that it could be a down payment on another one.

It's wonderful ::a mix of emotions plays across her face as she hides it in her robe pocket, finally depression seeming to win out:: What should I do?

::runs a hand through his hair:: Keep faith. Learn what you can. I have people who can get in touch with you. We have between us come so low that we cannot stop what is happening.

Nothing besides that we're in a sinking ship and I'm tied to the mast... You're about to go out on a quest to save my house, while I'm trapped here hoping to learn how it's going to destroy itself... And every day they will pressure me more and more to put aside mourning so they can force me to marry to finish their agenda

Then do we need to get you out of here?

::Looks at his watch, as if he is waiting for a hovercraft to buze the area...then returns to conversations about flying and piloting::

... I want to.. but if I go, I'll be denounced and cast out by the rats that have power now.. even worse than Ricardo, since I won't have father to let me back... I don't know who I would be if I was not Hazat

Don't let your house define you. You would be whatever you wanted. I understand that you want to stay, but don't ever forget there are other ways. I'm not asking you to abandon your life. But I want you to know you're never trapped.

I wish you could understand... or maybe you do and it's just easier for you... my house defines who I am... even though I hate what it's becoming... I've spent the last few years trying to figure out who I am with the Hazat as a guide, as a basis... and if I wasn't Hazat, I wouldn't know where I was going any more... I'd be even worse off than where I am now with the value of the name declining every day

::nods:: I understand. Well a time will come when you'll find that you may have to find more of youself than your house. But I know we can do this. We can face this together.

Do you think the course you're on will find who's behind the fall of my house? Do you think we could put those who deserve it back in control?

I know we can. The people responsible will pay. The plan is in motion, I'm not sure what it is, but something terrible is coming. Whether that is us or them I don't know. But we will be swift, and unyielding.

Then just promise me that if I go with you tonight, you'll do everything you can to make sure that we can fix the house so that I can be part of it again... I'm not ready to be permanently cut free of my blood... I know it's a lot to ask you to return me to the nobility that you so often despise... but I want to make it something that you can come to trust too

I swear it to you. You will rejoin your house, and I will see it thrive.

::gives one last shudder of containing a sob as she holds An tightly:: I love you... ::pulls free:: I'll meet you on the way to the gate in half an hour... figure out a way to sneak me out ::smiles::

::Raising his glass:: A toast to the Brave Warriors of house Hazat!

::smiles:: I love you to ::hold her tightly:: We will find a way to get you out.

::guzzles a large portion of a bottle:: huzzah!

::breaks the embrace and moves away back to the party:: I'll see you in thirty minutes. ::smiles:: I'll miss you till then.

::moves back into the house to collect her things::

::moves back to the party::

::meanwhile, at the party, Petros and Tyrone have been having a long conversation... Budi, Martel, and Lan all hear what they think is "I'll go talk to her" come from Petros as he makes to move in An's general direction::

::takes thi oppertunity to go intercept Petros:: Ohh, Good day to you sir. Havent seen you in a mayflies age! ::loudly::

::stops as over six feet of drunken inquisitor is in his way:: Yes, padre, can I help you?

::Watching for any sign of troiuble.::

Some of my new acquaintences were discussing the relative values of stratigic withdrawel in aspects of interplanetary warfare, and how they effect morale and, vis a vis, customary commanding officer speeches. We were wondering...


your thoughts were on the matter, and weather you have had any experience towards which you could illuminate our meagre knowledge on the subject. For I assure you, Petros, some of us would dearly love to hear what you had to say.

::Approach the dou::

Possibly later, but I have something I must do presently

::Blocking Petros' movement:: Father, please.

::shakes his head:: Ahh well. I guess sometimes the commanding officer just doesn't have time for his men, eh boys ::addressing the other Hazat as he goes to sit back down::

Can't you see the young gentleman has some place to go.. ::To Petros:: Forgive him, your lordship. He has had a bit too much this fine evening.

::sigh:: He's right. Though not about the Alcohol. I misspoke, and have no right to delay your buisiness kind sir. Please, do not grant me your ill will.

Beg your Pardon, my lord. ::Start escorting the avesti to a seat in the general direct that Petros was heading::

::pours him a glass from the bottle he's been drinking prom for the past 20 minutes:: Here, a glass as an act of contrition.

Fine, fine ::moves to try to get around the duo and on his way::

::notes Petros leaving, and says something to the Marchessa about it being a pity he'd never been introduced under pleasant circumstances to the man::

Petros! Are you leaving my party already? ::she says as she glides towards him with Lan in tow::

((I love my running crew in this game))

Not for good, Marquesa, but I have some business I must attend to on behalf of your cousin Don Tyrone

::smiling his banal smile, you know, thinking himself just slightly more important than he really is.::


::supresses faint concern::

I have a physik here, which is good for me, as I might die of shame to have two that have caused my party to be conspiring to ruin it!

::shows due concern with only an expression::

((Go, lan's manipulative girlfriend, GO!))

That is not it at all, milady... simply something has come up that affects our mutual goals that I must deal with ::momentarily gives Lan an imploring look, then realizes what he's doing and returns focus to Malena::

With your absence rather than mine, milord, the, ah, chances of a lady finding an adequate dance partner plummet. ::his eyes show only fairly vapid mirth::

True.. true... why haven't you been dancing Petros? Aren't you enjoying yourself?

((AFK brb))

((Malena...form of a slutbomb, shape of a sultry temptress))

::and this kind of thing keeps up for another few minutes, and is still going as An walks up unnoticed due to the big spectacle in the middle::

((Hey. Did you just, in effect, say I have a slut for a girlfriend?))

::makes his way over to Martel::

((Don't make Doc bust a move on you. ))

::mutters to An:: hello . meeting go well?::

Yes, listen I need your help. ::quietly:: ::sits down at the table and leans in:: M. wants to come with us. She's meeting us at the gate in 25 minutes. We've got to figure a way to get her out. ::looks over to Budi and quietly relays the same info::

::w:: ok, i assume she'll be at the inside of the gate. I'll see if i can get her out in some confusion. ::Starts trying to talk some dozen or so of the people he's been sharing stories with to come to the house for a little wild "after party party". something with more women, and hard liqure::

::Nods his head:: I have friends, that you would be interested in making their ... getting to know them.

::they aren't really willing to risk the women, having wives most of them, but they like the idea of some good hard liquor after all the wine::

Also, Budi, we are gonna have to get off planet RIGHT after we leave here. Can you arrange it?

Consider it done. I have a plan... You know of mothballing ships, yes?

Liquor it is! ::to Budi:: yeah. know where some might be?

For a price, yes, trnasportation can be arranged. And it would best be not connected to you. So, my neck is on the line.

::offers with revealed gratitude to dance once more, whenever Petros heads off.::

::while dancing with Lan:: So why, exactly, were you so interested in stalling the poor old fool?

::Whispering to AN and Lan:: There are some ships currently between owners. No one will miss a mothballed least until the next annual audit.

::nods, listening::

He, um. Well, he's something of a nanny for an old friend of mine. ::shrugs:: Not sure I entirely care for him.

Well, what IS the price on these ships?

It will not be cheap. What is your limit An?

I figured not.

Yes, he is rather nanny-ish in many ways... sad old coot, to be saddled with his family's well being

::Not getting a response from AN:: I could get him to agree to perhaps 1000.

::nod:: I could do that, is there anyway I could talk to him about the price, you'll find I'm an amazing negotiator.

::nods:: Well. I don't pretend to understand entirely the burdens of noble family. You seem carefree, milady.

I will introduce you two.

We might not have time for that An.

Well, there's a time for business and a time for pleasure, and many of my contemporaries don't seem to realize that

We will have some operating expenses as well. Fuel, Food...

I can cover that.

::nods:: I can take care of that as well. Together ::looks at martel:: I think we'll be ok.

::nods:: indeed.

There will also be brides to not have the ship searched ... And you said that a hazat noble will be onboard as well, yes?

::nods:: Yes.

I understand the nature of these things Budi. our finances can handle it.

((uma thurman stands poised in yellow track suit with katana "you tried to kill me.. you killed my baby.. you will not search this ship!"))

That could be a bonus as well. And there is my fee... ::Smiles::


You will be compensated... ::smiles:: With my fist... ::obviously making a joke::

*sigh* Budi, just get us out of here, ok?

::Laughs:: A toast, to our hostess and the Hazat

And to our gargoyle, which you will not forget to take along.

But of course...::Raises his glass::

::loudly:: To the Hazat, may their fires cleanse the Empire!

::thanks god the man has already made the impression subtle nuance is not his forte::

::Drinks down the bottle, and begins gathering people and working them towards the gate, trying to time things with the arrival of our esteemed guest::::

::Lan sees his friends moving a herd of drunken hazat towards the gate::

::follows behind::

::looks concerned:: Oh dear. I don't think this is going to go well for my friend. ::winces:: He really needs looking after. Will you excuse me, milady?

::shouts:: Whoo!

Ah, well, the perils of too much wine... it looks as if my party is breaking up anyway, and your mission was well accomplished I think.. go on your way... will you be around the city?

::Following behind the rest.::

Milady, I'm due to return home, tomorrow. ::nods gravely::

For how long?

You know, I'm not sure. I haven't been home in a few years, and there are some places and people there I'd like to see again.

Well... I'll tell you what... learn to dance while you're gone, then look me up when you get back into Hazat space and we'll see if we can't let you show up some Hazat that think you're just a joke ::smiles::

::and yes, does seem completely oblivous that the previous statement is very insulting::

::clears his throat good-naturedly:: Milady, when next we meet, I promise I'll be more than an interesting gaffe on the dance floor. ::bows his head politely over her hand, if she lets him::

::she does, gives his hand a squeeze, and then breaks off to enjoy the rest of the party::

::heads off to join the others::

::Watching the shadows for a figure to join us::

::is looking around making sure she shows up::

::you guys see Petros wandering around the outskirts of the party, obviously looking for someone just as a figure in dark clothing, carrying a large duffel bag, slides into your group at a bend in the path::

::moves them all on at a brisk pace:: Allright gents, how about something a little harsher? ::passes around a flask from beneath his jacket pocket::

::whispers to An:: You know.. it might sound shallow... but after all of that.. it's almost as if the worst part is that I'm going to be limited to less than a trunk of outfits ::gives him a wan smile then moves to be...

surrounded by the taller men in the group::

::smiles::: I think you'll survive.

::offers it to the guards at the gate as Maria goes through::

::the guards pass you on, handing back Martel and Vasili's swords, at a loss as to how to handle the big group::

::It's only as you're all packing into the series of limos bound for the town that you think you hear some kind of alarm spreading amongst the guards, and by then it's too late::

::slides into the limo next to maria::

::snuggles up to An after nodding at Lan, Martel, and Vasili... and giving a curious look to Budi... then her gaze goes distant in thought::

Take it easy

::wraps his arm around her::

Welcome Milady ::bows:: to your freedom.

It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.

::the trip back into town is not very eventful. You manage to slip away from the Hazat after depositing them at a pub. Prejun is apprised of the situation and gives An a few names to contact on Grail... He's willing to hang around and handle any correspondence that comes while you're away. You quietly pull the gargoyle out of the beach shed and crate it back up, hooking it to the jeep and driving out to a remote airstrip about twenty miles outside of the port. By midnight you've gotten into a "borrowed" escort class lander ship, paid a crooked low-ranking charioteer more money than he could have seen in months...

::Hey, I did not take a kick back...::

((you're a crooked high-ranking charioteer.. i was talking about the guy who lent you the ship))

and gotten the clearance codes to not be shot down as you take off. The decaying runway lies ahead of you, your possessions are stowed on board with the gargoyle conveniently resting in a small nose-mounted cargo section that might have once been for yet another gun. It's a brightly moonlit night with the lights of Port Isabella a dim glow on the horizon::

::Checking the system readouts for remaining weapon systems::

::the readout comes up like some kind of military jackpot...

::moves next to Maria:: This should be an adventure.

two light blaster cannons, two medium blasters, two gatling lasers, two missile launchers, two medium slug throwers, and a turret-mounted EM pulse gun::

::Budi does some quick math and realizes that he's leased a ship worth over 80k firebirds for about a percent of that::

::Thinks about telling the reeve about the systems and then decides that he some alone time::

((unless there is anything else for the night, I'm good here...))

::all systems wake finally from their dormant status, the airstrip workers finally finish loading enough supplies and fuel for the group of you for about a month, and the helm is Budi's::

::Via loud speaker:: We need a name for the ship

::the thing looks rather like a bat::

Post dated check loan.

Um, hm. ::thinks::

Or perhaps Serial Peacemaker...


::Leaving it up the either AN or the lady::

::Signal tower:: This is Redemption. Ready for launch. Over.


::the tower responds "clear for takeoff.. now get the hell out!"::

::Throttles up::

::the fusion engine hums, feeding power to the vital systems, waking the jet fuel tanks that will get you out of the atmosphere... they spit fire and the ship starts to move forward::

::plots course into low orbit and then toward the gate::

Hey-ho. On our way! ::checks over his bags one more time::

Lady and gentlemen. Please observe the no smoking sign that the Captain has just turned on. Please buckel your seat beals and prepare for orbital velocity.

::mutters:: Oh, for crying out loud.

::the ship leaps off of the runway into the glow of the great port of the Hazat which resolves itself into the lights of a city as you pull up and away into the night, and within moments it is just a dim glow, and then nothing... swallowed up by the overwhelming darkness of the planet in the dark of night. As Budi sets his course into the depths of the system, you can see the corona of the sun wrapping the world... the sun is eclipsed, the world is in darkness... and hopefully.. just hopefully.. you can bring it back into the light::

~~~ OOC ~~~