Religion of the Beast Men

The basis of Feral religion is the moons. Two distant circles in the night, and yet their influence on the Feral psyche is profound. Long philosophy has tried to capture the feeling that the moons give the Ferals, but has not been sufficient. In briefest summary, the Ferals feel mystically, emotionally, and physically tied to the moons. When a Feral's moon waxes, the Feral is stronger, and when it wanes the Feral is lessened. As no other aspect of the world gives such a profound feeling to the Ferals, no other aspects of the world are worshipped inherently, though many can be convinced to convert to gods with more powerful spells.


Worship of the Moons

Each race of Ferals has a different name for each of the moons, but the attributes ascribed to each are very similar throughout the races. The silver, long-period moon and the cobalt, short-period moon each have unique characteristics that grant specialized powers to the adepts that worship them.

The Silver Moon

Each month the moon of silver follows its cycle, slowly going from new to full and back again over a period of 32 days. To Feral thinkers, this exemplifies patience and careful planning in all things. Followers of the silver moon are slow to act and slow to back down, building their power and releasing it in a powerful and slow-to-end torrent. Priests of Silver have access to the domains of War (any weapon), Water, Earth, Healing, or Crafts.

The Cobalt Moon

Every week the cobalt moon dies and is born again, four times in the month and thirty-six times in a year. This exemplifies the power in spontaneity and quickness in all things. Followers of the cobalt moon are short-tempered, quick to act, but quick to forgive and to release their onslaught. In war, they will make a lightning fast attack against unprotected enemies, but cannot sustain this power for long. Priests of Cobalt have access to the domains of War (any weapon), Fire, Air, Weather, and Magic.


Each Feral is bound to the cycles of the moons. To the Ferals the rising of the moons is an event that can be felt even in complete darkness, and having one's moon full causes a surge of energy.  There are four different types of moon-signs that an individual can be born under, each of which has a different effect. Most Ferals will undergo a ritual later in life to be tied to the sign that represents their city or organization's methods. When two nations fight, the lunar alignment can make all the difference in how battles turn out.

Silver Ascendant

An individual born on the 9th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, or 26th of the month is tied to the ascendancy of the silver moon. On these days the silver moon is at least a quarter and is larger than the cobalt moon. Ferals aligned to the silver moon gain a +1 bonus to all d20 rolls whenever their moon is gibbous, +2 when full, the 13th through the 24th of the month, but suffer a -1 penalty to all d20 rolls whenever their moon is at crescent or new phase, which is the 29th through the 32nd and the 1st through the 8th. Spellcasters aligned to the cobalt moon can detect, harm, and protect against those aligned with the cobalt moon, and can cast warding spells, such as Forbiddance, to only permit those with silver alignment.

Cobalt Ascendant

An individual born on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 28th, 29th, 30th, or 31st of the month is tied to the ascendancy of the cobalt moon. On these days the cobalt moon is at least a quarter and is larger than the silver moon. Ferals aligned to the cobalt moon gain a +1 bonus to all d20 rolls whenever their moon is gibbous, +2 when full, the middle three days of the week, but suffer a -1 penalty to all d20 rolls whenever their moon is at crescent or new phase, during what has commonly become the weekend. Spellcasters aligned to the cobalt moon can detect, harm, and protect against those aligned with the silver moon, and can cast warding spells, such as Forbiddance, to only permit those with cobalt alignment.

Balanced Ascendant

An individual born on the 11th, 14th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, or 27th of the month is tied to the ascendancy of both moons. Balanced Ferals gain a bonus on any day that either moon is bright, but take a penalty on any day that either moon is dark, gaining a +3 bonus in the middle of the month and a -2 penalty at its end and beginning. Spellcasters aligned with balance can detect, harm, and protect against either alignment, but all balanced are subject to detection, harm, and protection from either type of caster. They can also erect wards to admit either alignment, or balanced alignments only, and can pass through any ward aligned to only admit one lunar alignment or the other.

Balanced Descendant

An individual born on the 1st, 2nd, 8th, or 32nd of the month is tied to the decendancy of both moons. These individuals were born or re-aligned on days where both moons were dark or nearly so. On the first of the month, when both moons are new, these Ferals gain a +1 bonus to all d20 rolls, but take a -1 penalty on the 20th and 21st, when both moons are full or nearly so. Spellcasters aligned with decent cannot cast any spells that affect alignment. However, decent aligned individuals are not subject to alignment detection, harm, or protection from specific alignments. They do suffer an inability to enter areas warded to permit an alignment, rather than to block one out. Most ninja groups re-align themselves to descent, but few others do so.